E-visa, 8.04.2014

www.evisa.gov.tr is a government portal run by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkey.

  • For the moment, Turkish visa can be obtained on arrival (if you are eligible), from the Turkish missions or over the e-Visa Application system (if you are eligible). Please note that visa on arrival will no longer be available as of 10 April 2014.
  • e-Visa is valid for tourism and trade purposes only.
  • You can check if you are eligible for e-Visa by clicking “Apply Now” and selecting your nationality. Each traveler must obtain a separate e-Visa, including infants and kids. (Even though kids/infants are included in their parent’s passports)
  • Your passport must be valid at least for 6 months by the time you enter Turkey. Depending on your nationality, there might be some additional requirements to be met. You will be informed of these after you select your nationality and travel dates.
  • You can find out about e-Visa fee by clicking “Apply Now” and selecting your nationality.
  • You can only make payment by Mastercard and Visa credit/debit card. The card is not required to be under your name. Please note that cards issued by Turkish Banks are not accepted. Kindly make sure that your card has “3D Secure System” and is open to international transactions.
  • After you receive the “e-mail address verification message”, you need to click “approve” button and proceed with the payment within 24 hours. Otherwise, your application will time out, hence the system will not accept payment and you will need to make a new application.
  • Kindly inform the Support Desk (via “Contact Form” under “Contact Us” section on main page) in case of any suspended or unsuccessful transaction throughout the whole application procedure. Please do not make a new application or a new payment unless advised otherwise. The Ministry will not be responsible for additional payments and no refund will be granted in case of such unfinished transactions.
  • e-Visa fee is only in USD .You don’t have to have a USD account. An equivalent amount in your local currency will be deducted from your account.
  • After you make payment, the link to download your e-Visa will be e-mailed to you. Please print out and keep your e-Visa with you while entering and exiting Turkey.
  • Validity period of your e-Visa is different than duration of stay. You can enter Turkey anytime within validity period. Please note that, if you wish to enter Turkey earlier than the date specified on your e-Visa, you need to make a new application.
  • Once e-Visa is processed, none of the information on it can be changed. It is your responsibility to secure that information on e-Visa is exactly the same with the information on your passport. Otherwise, your e-Visa will be invalid, and there will be no refund for it.
  • There are numerous web sites which claim to assist users in receiving Turkish e-Visas in return of a service charge. We do not have any connection with them. Therefore, we cannot be held responsible for any misuse of information or failure of service on their side.
  • e-Visa application has no connection with Turkish Embassies or Consulates General. For any information you should contact e-Visa Support Desk through “Contact Us” on the page www.evisa.gov.tr


İsmail Sefa Yüceer Consul General
Monday - Friday

09:00 - 13:00 / 14:00 - 17:00

For all visa applications, pre-application procedure is needed through www.konsolosluk.gov.tr . If you are eligible for e-visa, you are kindly advised to visit https://www.evisa.gov.tr to issue your e-visa.
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